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1.   Publication Procedure

Step 1. Abstract Submission (optional)

Step 2. Draft Paper Submission  - max. 11 pages

Step 3. Final Manuscript and Copyright Form Submission (upon acceptance of the draft paper. Note: the final manuscript must go through IEEE PDF Express Check.)

Step 4. Presentation File Submission

2.   Important Dates

Abstract Due


Full Paper & Poster Due


Notification of Acceptance


Final Manuscripts Due (deadline extended)1


Final Presentation Slides Due


* We are experiencing some delays and we apologize to authors who have not yet been notified of their acceptance status. Many authors received notification letters on March 15. For authors who have not yet been notified of their acceptance status, your paper is still under review due to pending reports not yet received from the assigned reviewer(s). We are going to notify you with our decision on your paper(s) on an ongoing basis as the missing reports from the reviewers come in. We expect to have all authors notified by March 31 at the latest.

3.   Paper Template and Instructions

Please follow the templates and the instructions below to format your paper.
Please submit the draft paper in one of these formats (i.e. Word or LaTex)
Do not submit draft papers in PDF format.

4.   IEEE PDF Express

In order for your paper to be submitted to IEEE Xplore for publication it must be in an "Xplore compliant" format. To verify this, IEEE provides a tool, PDF eXpress Plus (R)

. We require the author of each paper to perform this check to assure there are no compliance issues. The following instructions explain how to submit your paper to PDF eXpress Plus for verification.

Before submitting your paper be sure to add the appropriate copyright clearance code notice on the bottom of the first page of each paper according to the guidelines set forth in the Catalog Instructions for an IEEE Conference Proceeding. Detailed instructions can be found at:

For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is:
U.S. Government work: Not protected by US copyright.

For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:
978-1-47994 4/14/$31.00 ©2014 Crown

For all other papers the copyright notice is: 9781479949434/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE

  1. Create an account on PDF Express Plus go to, and click on “New Users – Click here”.
  2. Enter 32988xp for the conference ID, your email address, and choose a password
  3. Continue to enter information as prompted
  4. Click "submit"
  5. For your paper click "Create New Title"
  6. Enter PHMxy (where xy is the paper number, e.g., PHM96 for paper 96).
  7. Click "Submit File for Checking or Converting."
  8. Click "Choose File." The simplest method for uploading your paper is as a Word file to allow PDF eXpress Plus to convert it. A pdf file is allowed.
  9. Click "Upload File"
  10. Click "Continue"
  11. You will receive an email informing you that the check passed or failed.
    a. If it failed
    i. Log into PDF eXpress again
    ii. Click on PDF Check Report
    iii. Correct the errors and re-submit your paper per steps 5 thru 11 above.
    b. If it passed
    i. Log into PDF eXpress again
    ii. Add the PHM number to the beginning file name shown (PDF eXpress will give the file a name that starts with "PID" in a format similar to "PID2890743.pdf." Add the “PHMxy” to the beginning of the file name (e.g. PHM96-PID2890743).
    iii. Submit your checked paper to the Conference X-CD database for final processing.


5.   Technical Presentation Instructions

Instructions for PowerPoint presentations will be forthcoming.

6.   Copyright Form

The authors should first login to the IEEE PHM 2014 Paper Management website (, and click the button "Submit Copyright" and then follow the steps to submit the eCopyright form for each paper they submitted.

Last site update: 2013-12-23
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