Mount Royal, Montreal

Sponsored by the IEEE Reliability Society


Welcome to 2023 IEEE Conference on Prognostics and Health Management

Montreal, Québec
June 5 - June 7, 2023
ICPHM 2023 will be a hybrid event and remote presentation will be an option

Technical Program


Special Session

System-of-Systems Reliability and Resilience

Topic 1: Reliability and Health Management at System-of-Systems Level: Benefits and Challenges
Presenters: Pierre Dersin, Vitali Volovoi
Topic 2: Reliability and Resilience Modeling of Hydraulic Power Station and its bordering Power Grid as a System of Systems
Presenters: Darragi Messaoudi, Dragan Komljenovic
Topic 3: A Graph-based Data-driven Approach for achieving Resilient Transit Systems
Presenters: Celine Wehbe, Kenza Saiah, Hiba Baroud (Remote)
Topic 4: Building Resilience in Systems of Systems
Presenters: Dragan Komljenovic, Pierre Dersin, Andrea Bellé (Remote)

Reliability Workshop

Megatrends to Roadmaps to Standards: PHM and Reliability

Motivation and Background:
Megatrends in Reliability include every Electrical Engineering and Computer Science discipline, e.g. energy, semiconductors, communications, transportation, software. Summing this up, a Reliability Roadmap will encompass all aspects of Hardware and Software, introducing this to the IEEE Prognostics and Health Management conference event is the venue that will introduce this to a broad Reliability audience.
The Megatrends to Roadmaps are extremely useful in determining what existing and new industry Reliability standards will be useful as new products are developed or existing products are used in differing applications. The speakers will describe Megatrends today, how Roadmaps intersect these Megatrends, and what might be some of the first components of a new Reliability Roadmap that will lead to the use of new or existing standards. The panelists would like to interact with the attendees and find out what they are doing in the Reliability-PHM areas.
For example one area of concern is:
The Semiconductor PHM and Reliability associated with the decreasing feature size, three D integration and the ever increasing product thermal load. For example, when new base stations or CPU racks are upgraded with the latest semiconductor node, the install footprint remains unchanged, this tends to place a new thermal operating point, and we know for every ten degrees rise in temperature the metal system Reliability degrades significantly, ultimately something that needs to be considered when establishing a PHM program. The typical bathtub use curve is becoming more and more constrained, sometimes PHM and wear out has to be factored in as shown below:
Unusual Bathtub Curve